
Sunday, 6 January 2008


Smoking is prohibited at a lot of places in Singapore. However, you will see smokers throwing cigarette butts any where they like. The Ministry of Environment will employ plain cloth enforcement officers to catch them. If the litter bugs were caught too many times, beside paying a fine of few hundred dollars, they need to perform Corrective Work Order. The press will be invited to come and take pictures.

One interesting thing I discovered was there are places the dustbins are designed in such a way that no cigarette butts is allowed to be thrown in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If smokers cannot find a suitable litter bins which they can throw their cigarette butts in, they would conveniently throw the butt into the inner compartment and may set materials inside aflame if it contained paper items. Worst some smokers may just throw cigarette butts outside the bin, defeating the purpose of having one placed there. Whatever the case, the authorities concerned and their bin suppliers should use more imagination when designing the bins for the public use.