
Saturday, 26 April 2008



I visited some US schools recently. I noticed there was a learn Chinese fever at US. The American students can read Chinese, sing Chinese songs as well as performing Chinese martial art.

For Singaporean, we better catch up quickly other wise we will be left behind as China going to become superpower.

1 comment:

Zen said...

Whilst people from many countries are flocking to China and Taiwan to learn Chinese, likewise many Asians are rushing to Singapore to learn English. What is going on? This clearly shows that both languages deserve deep respect. For English it is an communication tool especially felt in the world of business, and for Chinese it is extremely useful if one needs to communicate with people in China or even in Taiwan. For those countries who choose to be nationalistic refusing to learn these two languages are like ostriches hiding their heads in the sands. People in Singapore are lucky we learn these two important languages right from k1 to varsity level.
Those who claim that they are not proficient in either one or both these language have no body to blame except themselves.