
Thursday, 19 June 2008


I saw this picture at the Straits Times on 17 June titled Fake Tyre for Fuel

I came to the conclusion that people are desperate that is why they came out with this kind of idea (See picture). But it is worth taking the risk?

There is a Chinese saying 因小失大, meaning you lost much more than you gained.

It is definitely not in line with the continuous improvement spirit because it is cheating!


Zen said...

This has nothing to do with improvement and is purely cheating. Is it worth the while? certainly not. The fine for cheating for sure will be high. Certainly the government would punish this cheater severely so as to warn other similar offenders. Not only this, the culprit put his life, including other innocent people's lives, and public properties at stake, because he is literally carrying a time bomb around. I am sure he knows that petrol is highly flammable.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Zen,

Thanks for your comments.
It was the idea that the person came up with ( to cheat). Certainly it is not a improved idea.

Zen said...

When we talk of ideas we think of positive things for improvement. Cheats are quite intelligent and creative people but unfortunately they think of schemes to cheat or swindle others including the govt. It is important for parents, teachers and society in general to educate kids when they are still young to travel the correct path, otherwise they would end up as criminals.

Lam Chun See said...

Same thing applies to car park coupons. You may get away with it a few times, but if you get caught once, the fine is more than all the savings you get from not tearing the coupon.