
Wednesday, 11 June 2008


There was a free software called Ubuntu. It was available in the Internet. It has comprehensive features same as MS office.

According to Sin Meng newspaper , there was 10 million people using it. Two famous people will be giving a talk on this on coming Saturday (see above picture).

I am unable to figure out how they make money. I only discovered there were sponsors for the software.


Zen said...

This is a basic business principle - to give something so as to get something back. Professionals giving free talks attracting people to buy their products or books. Chefs showing off their cooking skill to draw audience to patronise their restaurants or buy their cooking books and list goes on. Similarly in this instance, companies allow their softwares to be used, giving talks, so as to achieve their goal and that is to draw in buyers for their products. In short all these are sale strategy to attract customers basing on the said principle, hence goes the saying of: 'there is no such thing as a free lunch'. You get something free but in the end have a hole in your pocket. Of course there is nothing wrong in spending your own money in whatever way you like, provided you have ample supply in your deep pockets, and better still if you are ever willing to part with your hard earned salary.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Zen,
I belive there were some way to recover their expenses.