
Friday 11 July 2008

CAR 汽车 Motokar

For those who can not afford big car, my suggestion is buy a small car (see newspaper cutting). It is operated by electric. You need to charge the battery regularly just like your mobile phone.

If you ask me whether I will buy one, My answer is may be because it looks very cheapskate. However, I believe they are buyers interested in it.
The focus is on the person coming up with the idea and implement it.


Zen said...

There is a young guy driving this very innovative vehicle (more like a tricycle). It is more of a curiosity or than a cheapskate to the prying eyes of the public, because I think this vehicle doesn't come cheap. We locals, though living in an open and modern society, are still quite conservative and shy when being looked at driving this cute 'car'. Furthermore, we are not that adventurous comparing to westerners in particular.

Zen said...

Incidentally there is also one UK scientist who is famous for producing futuristic products. He produced a batch of innovative electric cars which have batteries that can be charged normally at home, but the sale of these vehicles was poor after being highlighted by skeptics that big trucks could not see these small cars clearly on the roads, hence the danger involving in accidents.

Kevin Ee said...

I understand from an expat friend that you cannot import such cars into Singapore as LTA has not come up with a formula for the road tax for fully electric cars.

Our road tax is based on engine capacity and since these cars have zero cc, it would mean zero road tax, right?

Not sure whether he was pulling my legs, but it sounds perfectly plausible in this part of the world. :p

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear friends,
Thanks for your comments.