
Wednesday 30 July 2008


I know it was a sensitive subject to talk about the train in Singapore (see photos). But the facts was the train created nuisance to me. It generated loud noise every morning and caused traffic jam at some of the road junctions.

No one can solve the problem except the two government. As a Kaizen practitioner, there is nothing I can do but learn how to tolerate this inconvenience everyday.

1 comment:

Zen said...

In fact our government wanted to relocate the Malayan Railway Station from Tg Pagar to Woodlands some years back, but then the Malaysian government rejected this offer due to political reasons, and there is nothing Singapore can do about it, because the land the MR station is located, and its railway tracks ground belongs to the Malaysian government. Originally both countries were administered by the British, but after separation from Malaysia, we got independence but unfortunately . because legal reasons, the MR still owns this piece of land. This legal tussle can only be resolved by the two countries themselves. In the meantime, Pehsk has to tolerate the noise.