
Sunday 17 August 2008

ANUG 南洋大学毕业生协会Bersama Nanyang Universiti

I met four members from The Association of Nanyang University Graduates (ANUG) on Friday, 15 Aug 2008. at 417A Jalan Baser.

We discussed about organsing talks and seminars for all. One of the member Mr Goh got the topic, date, time, contents and background of the speaker ready. The speaker is a well know lawyer. He will talk about Will.

Some members suggested to send out flyers to inform all members, I proposed to create a web log for the association. All present agreed with my idea.The next day, I created the web blog.
The address is I encourage my readers to visit and comment.


Zen said...

Peh - Your idea to create a web log for the association is indeed very useful. I believe through your initiative as a kaizan specialist, the association would be able to progress from strength to strength. For a start, a former graduate (lawyer) of NU giving a talk on Will would certainly draw in many participants. Likewise, many of the NU graduates who are
professionals in their own respective fields can also contribute to the association. I wish your association success in pursuing its goals.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Zen,

Thanks for your comments and encouragement.

What I believe in is action speaks louder than words.

Idea with implementation can change the world.


Zen said...

Kaizan means continuous improvement through ideas, whether big or small, is a very important concept that can help all walks of life. You are right to point out that action should be taken not just shouting of slogans. We can kickstart it by making small changes like clearing of clutters, rearranging things in your home, prioritize your tasks, and so on. These are small changes that can make our lives less stressful and more meaningful.