
Thursday 21 August 2008


I am sure some of the readers remember the news of a man who married 30 times and divorced 29 times.

I used to read more than one newspapers. Difference papers will give you difference prospective on the same news. My habits beside reading, I also cut some of the news and filed them ( see above).
In my opinion , what ever thing we do, we must try to do a follow-up to have an update on the current status.

There were a lot of news reported but lack of follow-up. A good example was the Sunshine Empire news reported last year. What is the status? I really don't know.

So, my message here is to do follow-up on our work and catch up with old friends also.


Zen said...

Pehsk - You are like my late father who had a passionate hobby in cutting out pieces of news and compiling them into albums. Luckily your interest lies only in cutting of newspapers, what would happen if you decide to include various magazine, other publications or anything worthed cutting into your hobby? The likely result: you would end up spending your whole life on cutting. My view on newspaper is that they provide information of interest of what happen internationally and locally. Some news are serious and worthed thinking about whereas other could be entertaining. Basically those news that affect our lives, we would act upon them, for example an impending recession would make us prepare for the raining days, but news on the reported story of an old guy getting married 30 times and divorced 29, has only entertainment value, nothing else. Newspapers main role is to inform the public. It is not like our work or matters that affect us personally and directly, hence follow up is not necessary. Take for example if that old guy is to marry or divorce another few more times, newspapers would promptly highlight and entertain us again. What is there to follow up?

Zen said...

On second thought, I may have misconstrued your message. It could be you are referring to news reporters not following up with their earlier stories or reports. My view is that newspaper is just another product and the main aim is to earn more money for the publisher, especially through advertisement. Reporters will naturally pursue important news relentlessy - what the people want to read. Hence follow-up reporting is almost certain, no need any prompting. Newspapers will definitely leave out unimportant news or those deemed those that have no economic value, so as to have more space for advertisement, earning more profit in the process.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Zen,
Thanks for your comments.

My main concern is also the service that consultants provide. It always lack of incentive for the consultants to do follow-up resulted in waste in the effort put in by both.

Zen said...

Peh - I don't quite catch your your reference to consultant service, connecting to incentive, its relationship with the newspaper and follow-up? In short, I could not understand the contents of your message.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Zen,
What I am trying to say is we must have follow-up actions on what ever thing we do. Be a news reporting or a piec of work we have done.