
Sunday 10 August 2008

NDC 国庆 Meriakan Hari Kebangsaan

I attended a National Day Celebration on 9 Aug at an open field near my estate. The weather was very hot (See photos above). I paid $2. It included a red T-shirt, refreshment and lucky draw number.

The programme began with MP speech followed by awards presentation, breakfast and lucky draw.

I have two suggestions for the organiser:

1 The celebration should not be held out door as it was very difficult to control the crowd.
2 Avoid giving away of awards as the audience were not interested.

I look forward for a better national day celebration next year.


Zen said...

Pehsk - Your participation yesterday in the national day at your estate provides much food for thoughts, and your two suggestions are certainly worthy for consideration by the organisating committee. I would like to add some of my views. Because of the large crowd and the controlling factor, it would be better to hold it indoor preferably in a stadium, where the crowd can get sheltered from the sun or rain, benefitting young and old. It will also enable participants to have their breakfast taken in peace and comfort. From past experiences, I conclude that the crowd is usually not interested in listening to speeches, specially the lengthy ones, let alone prizes giving, which should be held in another occasion. I attended a show a sometime back in a community centre featuring singers pelting out old nostalgic songs. Guess what the veteran MP said in his opening speech? - only one sentence: " Good afternoon my fellow constituents, and in order not to keep you all waiting, I declare the show open".

To break the monotonous colour of only red colour T/shirts, why not have them also in red and white (colours of our flags).

National Day celebration can be fun not necessary a solumn affair. Why not let the constituents express their individual talents by staging singing of songs (not the serious stuff), magic shows (esp.for the kids), comical sketches and back up by a local live pop band.
Of course, to befit the occasion, it must be kicked off by singing the national anthem, followed by a 'short' speech from the MP.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Zen,

Thanks for your comments. I agreed with what you said.
In order to organise a successful event, it requires thinking and good planning. The one that I attended certainly needed a lot of improvement.
