
Thursday 25 September 2008


We all know that car has airbags for safety purposes. Now A Japanese company has invented air bags to protect the elderly. One to protect the head, the other is for the waist. In case of falling, The bags will activate within 0.1 second (see picture from bbc website).

The cost is US $1,400. The weigh is 1kg.

I think it was a good idea to have such a safety device for elderly.


Zen said...

Again I would not like to be associated with a person who likes to throw 'cold water'. Of course, without saying, all elderly chaps, including myself, desire to be protected from harm, but is this product practical for use in Singapore, despite being very useful and high-tech. Firstly, not all old folks could fork out US$1,400/-. Even if a person can afford it, would he or she like to be seen wearing a heavy, weird-looking air-bag walking around in our hot weather? For me I would wear one, even if I am given one foc, despite knowing its value given the my reasons stated above. For my own safety, I would rather wear a good pair of shoes to prevent slipping on wet ground and practise a safe life-style of careful observation of traffic rules, walk slowly, carry an umbrella, and so on.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Zen,
Thanks for your comments.
As I can only see the device from the picture. I am not sure how practical the bag is. It is the idea that counts.May be the inventer need to keep on Kaizen the bag .

Zen said...

We should also must take into consideration of our local prevailing factors when buying something. Take for example, there are many kinds of beautiful and useful bicycles in the markets, including foldable ones and why do they not being sold like hot cakes. It is not simply that they are expensive and hence people cannot afford to buy them. Then what is the reason? Just think this way, if I buy one expensive bike, park it in the HDB void deck, and what will happen? I may find it disappear the next morning - that is the reason. So people are just being practical when coming to buy things.