
Thursday 18 September 2008


My friend Kevin said we must use the ideas learnt within the next three days otherwise it will be lost. So now I am looking at the goal that the motivator talked about on Tuesday .

We all agreed that setting of goal is important. But how to define and set goal? Some goal was very obvious such as the photo has shown. When you go to the turf club, you want to win money. There is no limit as to how much you want to win. It is gambling which was not encouraged.

In real life, how to set goal? The motivator said, to earn $1 million by the age of xx years. Or to have an income of $10K per month than work on it everyday. It sound logical.

I will set my own goals, beside the monetary goal, I will have goals related to family, health and social life.


Zen said...

Peh - Setting up a goal and having a loadful of imaginative ideas are the easy part. The big question remains, is the goal going to be viable and attainable? The positive aspect of a goal is that it enables us to pursue the direction single-mindedly, channelling all our energy to acquire the desired results, but there again, one must make sure that this direction is correct, or else we may end up travelling a wrong road that leads us to nowhere, let alone able to achieve results. All in all, we have to sieve through all our so-called 'wonderful' ideas. to pick up a viable option, and set it up as an 'ideal' goal. All these, I am afraid, involve a lot of homework, detailed study and personal commitment. Furthermore, we have to make sure to select a goal which is compatible to our capabilities. Take for example if you are good at teaching, then you should look for a goal related to your innate ability, and not to to embark on sales which you are not good at. otherwise you would be deeply disappointed in the end. So pursuing a goal is not so simple after all. It requires a lot of common sense, logical thinking, adaptation and stamina to see it through, even if you have selected a correct goal. I am not pouring cold water, it is a fact of life. Please treat these as my personal views. You need not agree to my line of thinking and reasoning.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Zen,
Thanks for your comments.
I am setting my measurable goals such as income, improvement on teaching materials, health and social visits etc.

Zen said...

Peh - Income would come naturally if one pursues an attainable goal. The reverse can also be true, if let say you go after a wrong goal, you may even lose money. For example, if you think he can sell a certain product and at the end the product is unsaleable and you would lose money, or have to sell it below your purchasing cost. Being well versed in the Chinese language, you have a distinct advantage over many older chaps, hence by improving your teaching skill, and with better teaching materials, you are actually heading towards an attainable goal. Keep on trying and good luck to you. NU graduates, I must say, are extremely lucky in the sense that even if they are not formally trained as teachers and yet the govt is willing to engage them to teach in schools despite passing their retirement age, for the simple reason that there is a dire shortage of Chinese Language teachers in schools. So don't miss this golden opportunity.

Kevin Ee said...

At the MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table), they emphasised on the developing the Whole Person Concept to "Build A Better You", and they talk about 7 areas: Career, Education, Family, Finances, Health, Service, Spirituality.

Yes, a long term goal should be be broken into yearly, monthly, weekly and daily goals for better implementation and monitoring. An ambitious and lofty goal, seemingly daunting and unrealistic, may become more achievable. Breaking down into daily goals also introduce a sense of urgency in that there are tasks to be done to achieve the daily goals everyday.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Kevin,
Thanks for the seven area to set goal.