
Friday 12 September 2008


I like the news report on 12 Sep 2008 Zaobao regarding safety and successful. It said that ten religious leaders prayed for A safe and a successful world Formula One (F1) racing which will be taking place this month ( see newspaper cutting).

I think the ten religious leaders should also extend the good wishes to all Singaporean as well as the whole world. In Chinese, we called it 大同世界. the big peaceful world.


Zen said...

Many years back, the last grand prix of Singapore was held at the Sembawang Circuit. It was stopped indefinitely due to a few fatal accidents that occurred then. These accidents bring back bad memories, and prompt our authority to invite various religious leaders to conduct prayers to bless the participants and audience with safety for the coming F1 race. This is a psychological act to bring peace of mind for everyone and not to forget that this act alone can also generate much publicity for the race.

Kevin Ee said...

Does this show up the limitations of mankind, and Singapore in particular, when divine interventions are sought despite all the reputed efficiency of the Singapore system, and expertise of foreign talents brought in to organise this F1 race?

From recent F1 races, crashes are very real and distinct possibilities, especially when it is a first night race.

The most important safety considerations must then be how to ensure minimum collateral damage when a F1 car crashes at top speed. As any safety expert would put it, when it fails, will it fail safe?

Since that is easier said than done, hence the prayers to the divine powers to intervene to ensure no crash or a "safe" crash.

Will the prayers work? As a kiasi person, I shall catch the race on tv.

Zen said...

In the chinese classic three kingdoms, chief military strategist kong meng (literally) said something like this: "Men can plan, but heaven decides". So our present govt could be thinking along this line.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear freinds,
Thanks for the comments.
Yes, 谋事在人,成事在天。