
Monday 8 September 2008


The Association of Nanyang University Graduates (ANUG) organised a talk on "Will" on 7 Sep 2008 at 3.00pm at 417 A Jalan Besar.

The talk was given by a lawyer Mr Hoon. The free talk came with refreshment. I met a few old friends at the talk.

A token of appreciation was presented to Mr Hoon ( person in white) by Mr Chia, president of the association

In my opinion, if the speaker can make use of the LCD projector and and using powerpoint, the audiences will benefit more from the talk.


Zen said...

Peh - I am sure the association now has its own website for NU graduates access. Your suggestion to use powerpoint and LCD projector for the talk is very useful. Did you convey your idea to the association? I notice the attendance is rather small, but still it is a useful start. The concept of using old boys contributing to their alma mater, so as to enhance the image and status of NU, is very meaningful, at the same time providing an opportunity for ex graduates to share mutual life experiences and nostagia. This concept is practised among many universities internationally. To generate interest, why not suggest to the association to let you use your blog to generate more interest to all former graduates? but must admit that is not an easy task.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Zen,
Thanks for the comments.

The association has a website. I told them that I will use my blog to publicize their activities.

Zen said...

Peh - Their website should be able to publicise the association activities, whereas your blog plays a role to promote interest in the association, and the end result is to boost the image of the association.