
Sunday 21 September 2008


My friend Mr Chia invited me to attend a retreat cum team building programme on Saturday 20 Sep 2008.

It was a very interesting session where I get to know many volunteers and also a member of parliament. I also learnt from Mr Chia the elements of team building and managing team conflict etc. He used a lot of real life examples. I really benefited a lot from him.

Nevertheless, I have two suggestions to make:

  • The training should be held at a venue where there is air-con room so that the learning can be more conducive
  • To design a training evaluation form to capture the group feedback.

As a whole, it was meaningful day for me.


Kevin Ee said...

Ha, ha. Spoken like a true Singaporean who are too used to aircon comfort.

Since the venue looks like the farm at Choa Chu Kang where the theme is Back to Nature, perhaps you should change yourself rather than change nature to suit you.

What I mean is that everyone should go in T-shirts and shorts in order to enjoy the great outdoors. :)

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Kevin,
Thanks for your comments. You are right, I should change myslf and not the nature to suit me. I just do not know how other ppts reaction.

Zen said...

Chia has conducted his training in a nature farm so that urban folks, including children could enjoy nature itself. It is unconventional and yet effective. The very fact that the farm has no aircon. facilities show the astuteness of its owner who wants visitors to truly enjoy nature rustic setting all the way. As for the feedback form, I think it is a very useful tool to gauge the response of the participants with a view of improving future training programmes.

Zen said...

Talking further on airconditioning in farms, the farms (if I can remember)I visited in Australia mainly have no airconditioning facilities, including vineyards. In fact one farm I visited in the outback of Perth was so hot that the owner kept camels for visitors to ride on and yet had no airconditioning. But one thing is certain, the farmers try their level best to keep their farm houses very spacious and airy, kept cool by many surrounding trees.