
Thursday, 24 July 2008

$10 K PER MONTH BLOGGER 每月万元博客 Blogger Untung $10K Sebulan

I read from the Xin Ming Daily that a blogger Mr Ong was earning ten thousand dollars per month. Ong said the critical point is to have an interesting blog so that it can channel the traffic to your blog.

According to Ong,the blogger can also write articles for commercial companies, attract company to advertise in your blog, conduct survey for others and get paid when visitors visit your blog.

Mr Ong is offering 3-day training course to teach blogger how to do it. I think it was an excellence idea to help others in achieving that financial goal at the same time collect course fee. I am sure some of the readers may be interested to make $10K per month.


Zen said...

Of course most bloggers want their blogs to be interesting, but to be able to earn 10K like Mr Ong is no easy matter. A person who can earn that type of salary through blogging must have 'substance'. So I believe he must have a strong background in advertising or business capability enabling him to write articles for commercial companies and conducting surveys for them. He is in a way advertising for himself by positioning to be a trainer, thereby conducting courses for others. However, we should also be aware that anyone can claim that has many abilities, credentials, earning big income and so forth, but is the claim valid? - that is a big question. I am not throwing cold water, unless a claim is verified.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Zen,
Thanks for your comments. Yes, you are right. Everyone can cliam how sucessful they are, but need to verfify. Mr Ong objective is to get people to sign up his course.It was $3K for 3-day course.

Zen said...

Pehsk - There you are - all things are done with a purpose in mind. In a cantonese lingo - where can you find a big fat frog leaping about in a street? (not being caught and eaten) In other words, there is no such thing as a beautifully packaged product offered free with any obligation. We have to look before making a leap. said...
