
Monday, 6 October 2008


I saw this swimming course poster hung at a lamp pole. The advertiser used a plastic bag to protect the paper, the wordings are big and bold. The message was very clear. The idea was good.

However, the BCA will not approve such advertisement as it was not a proper out- door advertisement because it will make the street looked very untidy if everyone starts to advertise in this manner.

1 comment:

Zen said...

All these unauthorised but quite effective advertising main objective is to save cost for the advertiser. It is definitely unsightly, but small enterpreneurs have little choice because they cannot afford other means of advertisement. The authorites know it and keep one eye closed to the foregoing. In AMK, near the MRT station, a large board is hung at the covered link-way which allows users to pin their advertisements on it, but apparently the effect of attracting the public seems to be ineffective due to a multitude of people pining their stuff all over the board only to confuse the public, who naturally loses their curiosity to check out on these messy advertisement.