
Thursday 21 January 2010


我的朋友林镇思 (Lam Chun See) 三年前告诉我说要出书. 我们还一起去参加一些关于如何出版书的讲解会.有一次,有两个自称出版书的专家,讲得头头是道,最后的结论是付他们新币一万三, 一切帮你搞定.我们想,花一万三出书未免贵了些,书出版之后,谁负责卖也没说清.

参经有人出了书之后,天天看着对堆集的书,压力很大.正所谓出书容易卖书难. 别说是卖,有时送还没人要! 真得很凄凉.

后来,镇思经过多次的思考,决定利用 “网上出版” ,突破传统的出版方式.他的书 “Ideas@work- Tapping employee ideas for higher productivity” 终于在 网上出版了.我真替他高兴,预祝他的书热卖.

书的内容是讲关于员工的提案制度和提高生产力,言之有物.有兴趣的读者请上Lulu.com网定购. 只要 输入ideas@work 就可找到.每本售价 US$19.90 . 不包运费.


1 comment:

Lam Chun See said...

Friend, thank you for helping me to 打广告. Once I receive my two proof copies, I will elaborate on what this book is about in my blog and how your readers can purchase a copy. I must say that I feel immensely satisfied to be able to hold a copy of the book in my hand. Of course, it will be even better if the book is able to sell. I really have no idea how things will go, becos this mode of publishing is totally new to me; but it seems to have caught on in the US.

Thank you for your well wishes.