Frankly speaking, I do not like the word "suggestion" simply because everyone can suggest, but who is going to implement the suggestions. So I have designed a action centre programme called Staff Improvement Scheme. The objective is to help the participant understand the meaning of Kaizen and implement the ideas . Actions speak louder than words!
My impression is that the word 'improve' implies something very general, hence not very specific in nature. The word 'idea' seems more appropriate but again it seems to be less serious when coming for implementation. The word 'suggestion' may appear less impactful but it should be a correct word because it means that the contributor has thought through his idea carefully and expresses it in a form a 'suggestion'
Dear Zen,
Thanks for your comment. Points noted.
What I want is action!
Peh - When an suggestion is being implemented, it means that action is taken.
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