
Thursday, 6 March 2008


I spotted a news at on 4 Mar 2008. It was quite related to my work in Brunei I copy the news below to share with reader.

"Belait District Seeks Suggestions For Continuous Improvement By Hjh Saemah Zulkefli

Kuala Belait - The Belait District Office always provides opportunities to the general public to give their views and suggestions, which may help to improve its services for the residents of district.

The briefing programme was open to all members of the public as part of the Ministry of Home Affairs' Customer Day activities, which was aimed at helping people to get answers instantly.

The Belait District Assistant Officer, Awang Shahminan bin Haji Tengah said this during a press conference after a briefing session by the Fire and Rescue Department and Belait District Office which were held at Complex Sri Selera.

Awang Shahminan, who chaired the session, also told the Bulletin that the objective of having the programme is to provide better understanding and knowledge to the general public on the roles and responsibilities of the departments under the Ministry of Home Affairs in the district.

There are five departments in the district under the ministry, namely the Belait District Office, the Kuala Belait and Seria Municipal Board, Immigration Department, Labour Department and Fire and Rescue Department.

During one of the briefings given by Special Duties Officer, Awang Murni bin Haji Zakaria at the Belait District Office, he reiterated on the function of the licensing department which approves businesses on their status of operation in accordance with rules and regulations.

Meanwhile in a briefing by the Fire and Rescue Department given by Fire Station Officer of Branch Operation B, Awang Mohd Taha bin Bakar, he spoken on the functions and roles of the department, which also include checking business premises which apply for license.

According to Belait District Officer, occasionally the time taken for processing business licenses may be longer due to insufficient documentation provided, and through this briefing it is hoped that this issues could be clarified. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin."


Zen said...

Mr Peh conducted many trainin g courses in Brunei on Kaizan to emphazise the importance of public participation to suggestion giving. His effort has obviously borne results in many government bodies of Brunei. In this specialised area, the Singapore Govt is far ahead of all the ASEAN countries and should maintain this momentum for years to come, not forgetting that the Kaizan movement (continuous improvement)should be on-going and not on Ad hoc basis. The movement in the country should be across the board both in the public and private sectors, imbueing a positive attitude of the people towards increased national productivity for the well-being in all areas of our society.

Zen said...

Many people think that kaizan is only applicable to factories big or small and has nothing to do with common folks. This type of thinking is further from the truth. For example, I use to pass by a fruit-shop in a neighbourhood centre at AMK and found it to be very messy, in short poor housekeeping with the owner and family members running all over the place attending to customers, wasting more time and effort. His customers would certainly have poor impression of the place, especially on the fruits layout. The owner must have realise his mismanagement of the shop and started to improve the house-keeping of his shop. Now I find that his shop has proper racking system, better layout of fruits by grouping, correct placement of refrigerator, good labelling, self service and cash collection counter and so on. Obviously he didn't spend much over the renovation, but I believe his business has improved significantly, and his family members seemed to be more relax, less stressful now. This shows that small improvement on regular basis will bear results.