I visited a Chinese restaurant which had a unique good customer service system. The system works in this way:
There is a control panel at each table, the control panel comes with the following five buttons(see top picture) :
- order
- water
- bill
- service
- cancel
The customer just press the button to indicate his option, the table number and option number will appear on the big sign. See picture.
To me it was a good customer service system.
This is indeed a very innovative and high tech way to cater for the customers' needs. However, running such type of restaurant would not come cheap. If the restaurant can provide good food it would have no problem attracting many customers and business would surely be profitable. Everyone knows the bottom line for a eatery is delicious food served at reasonable price. If this standard is not met, I am afraid the business could not survive not matter how innovative or high tech it is.
Dear Zen,
Agreed with your comment.
As customer, beside good food, we also want good service.
Peh - You are right. The customers want the best of the both worlds but unfortunately many restaurant owners think only in term of profit, resulting in cutting of corners, and customer service is usually the first casuality.
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