
Monday, 7 April 2008


I was at National University Hospital (NUH) on 7 Apr 08 to fix up my dental problem. The place was very crowded. There were walk- in patients, patients came back to do follow-up, potential patient making enquires. The counter staff hardly got time for other things.

After my treatment , I saw a brochure called ZOOM, jump the payment queue (see photo) at the counter. It was a flyer to encourage patients to sign up payment by credit credit or GIRO. I asked for a application form, within a few minutes, my application was approved. I jump the payment queue.

Thanks to NUH for helping the patients to save times.

1 comment:

Zen said...

GIRO system is a good and efficient way for fast payment bypassing long queue, but the problem is many people are not used to it, especially when coming to filling the form. Some do not trust this type of payment - afraid of being cheated. Apparently the hospital Admin staff are too busy at their work to explain to the patients the convenience of such GIRO payment thinking that most patients are literate enough to fill the form themselves, in other word self-service.