I liked the new HDB car park because of the following reasons:
- its show number of lots are available
- you pay according to the times you parked
- no more tearing of parking coupons
Well done, staff of HDB car park section. You have improved the life of motorists. Thank you very much.
I stumbled upon your blog by chance, but before leaving I just have to say "Bravo". I read through quite a few of your posts and found them quite informative and entertaining. I just wish officials here (in Lithuania, where I live now) could look at what they do with the same goal of continuous improvement. I particularly enjoyed the story of the citizen who got the traffic ticket and then was rewarded for his wise, money-saving idea. I lived for a year in Singapore and was so impressed by how society worked there. (I wish I could return and live there permanently.) Here such things just don't seem to happen. There is a real lack of civic responsibility and a surplus of needless, stifling bureaucracy. (By way of introduction, I'm an American citizen who has lived in Singapore and Taiwan [learned a bit of Chinese], but I now live in Lithuania with my wife and two children.) Best of luck in the future!
Dear Alan,
Thanks for your comments.
I am focussing on the positive of of my contry as well as other contries.
I am sure if you pay attention, you should be able to see good side of your country.
Alan- Pehsk has correctly pointed out that every country has its positive attributes and also its limitations notwithstanding Singapore.zisAs citizens
we should learn from each other with a view to contribute to our respective country. Many Singaporeans like to citizise tbeir government officials as having high salaries but not doing sufficient enough. These citicisms are sometimes unjustified and this example of an improved HDB carpark clearly proves so.In this respect the relevant authority (LTA?) should be commended.
In 5S lingo, this is called Visual Control. It helps to reduce waste which is called Muda in Japanese. In some our multi-storey car parks like Vivocity, they even have green or red lights to let you see at a glance the empty parking lots from a distance.
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