
Friday, 23 May 2008


There was a saying that we must cultivate good working habits such as self discipline, practise healthy life style and good housing keeping practices etc.

Look at the picture above from Straits Times newspaper, what lesson can we learn?

There is a perception that if the work place is messy, it meant the person has a lot of works and very busy. In my opinion, we should change this misleading thinking.

It is definitely not in line with the spirit of Continuous Improvement!


Zen said...

Pehsk- To me appearance doesn't count , what is behind this messy desk-top may have a story to tell. Some people are by nature sloppy hence the messyness, but some deliberately create this messy environment to impress the boss that they have a lot of work to do, in other words busy, but actually looked busy. If you care to investigate further, you may come across work-stations that are very neat and orderly with everything under control. Such workers are genuine and should be praised.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

May be the company dhouls start 5S good house keeping initiative.