
Tuesday, 20 May 2008


I was impressed by NUH Quality Improvement Unit

After I sent in my email. I received the following reply:
Dear Mr Peh,

Thank you for your feedback to Mr Chua Song Khim, CEO NUH.

We appreciate you taking the time to write in and pointing out the gaps on the Cataract Discharge Advice in the English and Chinese Versions, and also for sending in your Chinese version. We will look into it with the department(s) concerned and my colleague Ms Audrey Koh, Executive, Quality Improvement Unit (DID 6772 5805) will respond to you.

Also, we would also like to thank you for your appreciation of Dr Lennard Thean and his team, and we would certainly relay your thanks to them. We wish you good health always. Thank You

Kevin Ng (Mr)
Manager Quality Improvement Unit

This is what I called the spirit of continuous improvement in actions!


Zen said...

Pehsk - This is where your Chinese Language writing ability comes to good use. Keep it up.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Zen,
Thanks for the compliment.
I am improving my typing speed.
BTY, are you aware that I created a new blog on suggestion scheme, added link to some webistes?

Zen said...

Pehsk - Don't chew more than you can swallow, otherwise indigestion.