I wrote to an organization concerning a footpath that was obstructed by a vehicle. I even took a photo to show the problem. Below is my mail to them:
Please study the obstruction of footpath at the car park of your organization (see picture). It was quite inconvenience for the pedestrians during raining day.
Please study the obstruction of footpath at the car park of your organization (see picture). It was quite inconvenience for the pedestrians during raining day.
For your attention please.
Below is the reply I received:
We appreciate that you took the time to snap the photo and to email us.
We would like to apologise if there was any inconvenience to you should the car(s) be blocking your access though the footpath.
The area you had identified is used by our valet services, and with your information we will certainly advise our valet/ car jockeys to be mindful not to block the footpaths when parking.
We would like to apologise if there was any inconvenience to you should the car(s) be blocking your access though the footpath.
The area you had identified is used by our valet services, and with your information we will certainly advise our valet/ car jockeys to be mindful not to block the footpaths when parking.
The impression I got from the reply was that vehicle is blocking "my access".
What I wanted to highlight is that vehicle is obstructing every one including the staff working there. It is for the benefit of all if something can be done to improve the situation.
This clearly shows that people only think of their own interest at the inconvenience of others. They will only response when their action is likely to be reported. Such is the nature of people, very few public spirited individuals. For this we should appreciate people like Pehsk.
The other day, I saw a huge delivery truck delivering Coca Cola drinks to a coffee shop near Sixth Ave. One worker was unloading drinks from the passenger side. The truck was blocking the filter lane from Bt Timah Road into Sixth Avenue. A few cars were stuck and had to wait for the traffic light to turn green before we could turn left. Just then, the driver came to the driver side and unloaded a crate of drinks. As the car in front of me moved off, he gave a gentle honk. Maybe to warn the driver. Instead of apologizing, this driver, a young man showed him his middle finger in a very aggressive manner.
Thanks for the comments.
What I realy want is that the organisation can make some improvement by re-draw the car park lot so that the vehicle will not park there.
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