
Monday 22 September 2008


My friend Mr Chia was teaching a group of participants about smile. He said, it was very important to smile when you met some one, what was the best way to smile and how you smile were equally important.

It was difficult to explain and demonstrate. So, what Chia did was gave very participant a mirror. He asked each of them to practise the best way they can smile.

I think it was a clever way to explain the word “smile”. All participants were happy go home with a mirror. They will remember Chia lesson for a long time.


Zen said...

It is true that some people find it hard to smile even though they try hard to do so. However, to me a smile should come out naturally, trying to force a smile could look very fake and not sincere, but sometime when a situation demands, even a fake smile seems necessary, so that the person would not appear aloof or proud. A very prominent chinese novalist once said that if a person is unable to smile, he should not open a shop.

pehsk 白成杰 said...

Dear Zen,

Thanks for your comments.

Yes, you are right. Some time it is not easy to smile or make people smile.


Kevin Ee said...

This brings to mind a long forgotten kiddie song I learned in primary school (sung to the tune of Auld Lang Syne), if I remember correctly:

A smile is such a funny thing,
it wrinkles up your face
But when it's gone, you'll never find its secret hiding place
But far more wonderful it is
to see what a smile can do
You smile at one, he smiles at you, and so, one smile makes two.

How true the saying that a person should not open a shop if he cannot smile, unless, maybe he opens a coffin shop. Ha3 ;p

Zen said...

The coffin shop guy is really having a problem in PR sense. If he smiles on meeting the customer, the client would feel offended, but he appears to be solemn, the customer would feel like not being valued. I think in the end the shop keeper has to put up a 'wayang' - to appear attentive without looking too enthusiatic, looking sympathetic without being seen as too eager to close a transaction, keen to offer a price range of various makes without being seen as belittling the wealth status of the customer. At the end of the day, the owner feels that he would be better off by joining mediacorp. Please treat comments as jokes only.