American culture fosters individualism as well as independence. The world may say this self-spirit is not good for group consensus but then such spirit can make the country stands out among nations. Many people may argue that individualism may divide the country with everyone going in different directions. Such thinking is wrong and it was proven that during the WWII when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, the so-call individualistic Americans galvanised and fought for their country with such ferocity that ended in the surrender of both Nazi Germany and militaristic Japan. In other words individualism is not bad provided the govt is able to inspire individuals of a country into a united people.
Though Americans like to emphazise on youthfullness but at the same time they also revere to old people. Surprisingly this respect for the elders comes from a young nation with a short history of about 200 yrs and not unlike Singapore, but the difference lies in the size of the two countries. I remembered when I visited my daughter for her graduation in the US, while having a meal in the university canteen, I experienced something quite different from that of Singapore. The canteen was run by students of various races and in one stall took charge by a cheerful old lady of 62. He proudly told me that she was from the latest batch students that graduated. The message is very clear that in US the young and old can mix well, with no discrimination or looking down on the capability of the older folks. If people in Singapore belonging to the older age group, say above sixty, enrolling into our universities, I would not know what the reception from our younger students will be?
American culture fosters individualism as well as independence. The world may say this self-spirit is not good for group consensus but then such spirit can make the country stands out among nations. Many people may argue that individualism may divide the country with everyone going in different directions. Such thinking is wrong and it was proven that during the WWII when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, the so-call individualistic Americans galvanised and fought for their country with such ferocity that ended in the surrender of both Nazi Germany and militaristic Japan. In other words individualism is not bad provided the govt is able to inspire individuals of a country into a united people.
Though Americans like to emphazise on youthfullness but at the same time they also revere to old people. Surprisingly this respect for the elders comes from a young nation with a short history of about 200 yrs and not unlike Singapore, but the difference lies in the size of the two countries. I remembered when I visited my daughter for her graduation in the US, while having a meal in the university canteen, I experienced something quite different from that of Singapore. The canteen was run by students of various races and in one stall took charge by a cheerful old lady of 62. He proudly told me that she was from the latest batch students that graduated. The message is very clear that in US the young and old can mix well, with no discrimination or looking down on the capability of the older folks. If people in Singapore belonging to the older age group, say above sixty, enrolling into our universities, I would not know what the reception from our younger students will be?
Thanks for your comments.
The singaporean was diffrence from American. But it was risky to make swiping statement how our youth will behave.
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