I was shocked to see a group of Indonesian sharing their experiences in teaching Chinese Language in their country ( see picture).
Our Singapore Chinese has problems in mastering the language. But our neighbor Indianians are teaching the language.
What can we learnt from them?
Ooh... wonderful ya! Are they Indonesian Chinese or purely Indonesian?
Mandarin & English are the World landguages. "kuai lo" (foreigner) are also learn to speak now a days LOL
I see you write some Chinese on your blog, I guess U can write & speak too, right?!
Singaporean has 2 fluent languanges that they can speak, 1st one is English 2nd one is Mandarin, Am I say it right?
U r in a bright career...share more & have more fun :)
Thanks for your comment.
I am from Chinese school. But most of my time I use English to communicate.
Peh Seng Ket
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